The overall scenario surrounding Nagababu's MLC announcement turned into a roller-coaster drama.
The TDP-allied media reported that Pawan Kalyan himself had asked only for a 'nominated chairman post' for Nagababu instead of a ministry. This caused a huge uproar within Jana Sena circles.
The first question that arose was: Why would Pawan Kalyan do so? Answering this, the TDP-allied media claimed that Pawan Kalyan does not want anyone in his party to grow on par with him, including his own brother, and therefore avoided giving him a ministerial position.
However, this was all an orchestrated high drama by TDP and its allied media.
The truth was revealed when, in the end, Nagababu was granted the MLC post, and the announcement came only from the Jana Sena press note. Since this is an alliance government, the announcement should have been made as a collective decision. However, only JanaSena announced it, clearly as a damage-control move.
The intention of TDP-allied media seems to be to downsize Pawan Kalyan's influence on the alliance government.
“Pawan Kalyan grows if his demands are answered easily. That should be tightened. Jana Sainiks should feel that their leader is a puppet who cannot even place his own brother as a minister. A mood should be created to make them realize that their future in JanaSena will not be a cakewalk. That is the strategy of TDP and its allied media,” said a journalist.
On the other hand, despite the TDP-allied media damaging Pawan Kalyan’s image and influence to such an extent, none of the key JanaSena members—including Pawan Kalyan, Nagababu, or Nadendla Manohar—uttered a single word against TDP media. They remained silent out of fear. They knew that if they confronted TDP media, they would be targeted and strategically weakened. They understand that TDP media functions as the deep state of the TDP.
When the MLC announcement for Nagababu did not come as a collective alliance government decision but only as a Jana Sena announcement, it is needless to say that something is fishy. Nothing comes easy for Jana Sena in this alliance government. It must remain a puppet to TDP and keep its head down, even in the face of repeated insults.
A small negative statement against Pawan Kalyan by Jagan Mohan Reddy in his press meet today sparked a huge uproar among Jana Sena members, who quickly came forward to attack him verbally. Yet, they never show the same boldness when it comes to TDP and TDP media.
That is the reality of Jana Sena—a blatant truth that must be acknowledged.
Madhunandan Akkishetty